
Term of Service

1. Introduction:

1.1 Welcome to our platform “Website”, “site” of, please carefully read the term of service here before using this website or register account “account” which will guidance you to know about the right and commitment base on the regulation and law that related to “we”, “our” service including:

(1) Website:
(2) The service provided by the website and client software to make it available through the website and
(3) All information and news, linked pages, data properties, short messages, images, photos, graphics, music, audio, video (including live stream), content, software, application services (including but not specify only mobile application service) to make it available through website channel or the related service of the website “the content” any features added to or added to the service will also be subjected to these terms of service provided by
1.2 Online Platform service: which provides the opportunity for trading between buyer “customer” and seller “vendor” (collectively referred to as “you” or “user” or “user right to” the genuine contract is the contract between customer and vendor, does not a partner of such a contract and will not responsible for any commitments related to the contract, the parties to the transaction will be liable binding the sales contract.
1.3 Before being web member you shall be read and accepted all the terms and conditions which linking with the service terms and you shall be agreed with the services in accordance with the personal information that has been described at the privacy policy links herein.
1.4 Com reserves the right to edit, suspend or terminate this site or any service in whole or part at any time, may also limit the scope of certain features or limit to access to any or all parts of the site or the services at its sole discretion and not necessaries to notice or liable.
1.5 Com reserved the right to refuse to grant you to access to the site or service or refuse to allow you to open an account for any reasons. By providing the service or open account you agreed and willing to withdrawal without any complaint regarding this agreement including the additional term and policy referred to herein and/or the links herein. If you disagree with this agreement, please stop to use the service or access to, if the user age below the 18 years old or not yet reached the legal age to consent to this provision in accordance with the applicable laws of your country. “jurisdiction” you must be obtain the legal permission of the parent to open an account, and the parent must be responsible for the use of the account or service.
2. Personal privacy:
2.1 Your personal privacy is the most important for and in order to better manage your rights, has been created privacy policy of the which will describe the practice of privacy in detail and please read the privacy policy to make understand that has been collected and used your information and/or the way of using the service “user information” by using the service or provides the information of website to you:
a. Agree to collect, use, disclose and/or to act on the content of your personal and the user information as described in the privacy policy.
b. Agreed the ownership right of the user information is co-owner between and user.
c. Com will not disclose user information to third parties.
2.2 The user who holding the other user privacy information while using the service “Recipient” shall agree to:
a. Comply with all applicable Personal Information Management Law.
b. Agreed user to whom the recipient has collected personal information “disclosure party” to delete their collected information from the recipient database and
c. Agreed the disclosure party to inspect the recipient has been collected any concerning information of himself in each case as mentioned on the clause (1) & (2) and in accordance with the relevant laws described.
3. Limitation using right: grants the limitation using right and removable to access and use of the service in accordance with this term and condition of this service, the content, trade mark, service mark, product name, logo and other intellectual property “Intellectual property” displayed on the site is the property of and the third party who holding the ownership as specified on the site which does not authorize or using right by direct or indirect to any person with access to the site to use or imitate intellectual and no any person who access to the site and will be able to claim the right or benefit on this site by using or access to the service, you agree to follow the intellectual law, trade mark, service mark and the other related law enforced  to manage the site service or content of the site.

4. Software

The software here available for you which as part of the service under the terms and conditions of this service, would reserves all right of this software.

5. Account and safety:
5.1 Com will select the registration by code identification of the user to prevent duplicated “User ID” and password by providing personal information if the user chooses the user ID. By solely discretion of once seeing the difficulty or inappropriate, have the right to suspend or terminate the user ID at any time and you may able to access to product on the site or service depends on the permission of
5.2 You agreed to 
(1) Keeping password as secret and will use the user ID and password while accessing to the system.
(2) To ensure that you have sign out from the system very time while stop using the system.
(3) As soon as possible to inform to while your account was hacked or used by third parties without permission.
(4) To ensure that your account information is correct and up to date all time, you shall cover for all things occurred under your ID even you did not join the activities, will not responsible for any losses arising cause of the said ID.
5.3 You acknowledge that may terminate the account and ID immediately and to delete or remove the concerning content of the user out of the site without advance notice and responsible to you or third party as the reasons below:
(1) No use for long time.
(2) Violate to the purpose or terms of this service.
(3) The behavior that violates to the law, threatening or intimidating.
(4) Holding multiple users ID.
(5) Using discount coupon with wrong purpose (resale discount coupon to other persons or unnormal using the discount coupon or too much quantity as limited on the site).
5.4 The user able to terminate own account by informing to by official (including send an email…), if there any transaction still not completed the user shall be in charge for the delivery and payment even the transaction happened before or after the termination of the ID.
5.5  You may able to enjoy the service and/or open an account if you located at the zone permitted by, the mentioned permission and condition may change at any time.
6. Using condition:
6.1 The right for using the site and service until the termination in case you not fulfil the term or condition of this service.
6.2  You agreed not to:
(1) Upload, repost or transmit the content that offensive or harassing, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene or racist.
(2) Violated to the law which including, but not only specified for the law or mandatory that related to the import and export, right of the third parties or the policy of the prohibit or limited products of
(3) Upload, post or transmit the content that related to the use of minor who are not under the supervision of parent or use the service that harmful to the minor in any form.
(4) Use the service or upload the content pretend to be individual, another legal entity or display inappropriate information regarding the link to another person or legal entity.
(5) Use the service or upload the content that pretend to be individual or another legal entity, impersonate a header, edit an ID to disguise the origin or the content transmitted through the service.
(6) Remove the proprietary information from the site.
(7) Be the reason of authorize or authorizing to edit, copy or alter service with getting permission from
(8) Use the service that benefit to third parties or in an unauthorized manner in accordance with the terms of use has been already stated.
(9) Use the service or upload the content in a manner that is fraudulent, unethical, untrue, misleading or deceptive.
(10) To activate or have multiple users ID to act in violation of the terms or purpose of this service.
(11) Access to platform to apply user ID or your user ID by using emulator program, simulator, BOT, software or hardware.
(12) To edit product’s price or hacked other user product list.
(13) Take action that may affected to the feedback or scoring system.
(14) Attempt to knock down, disassemble or disrupt the service system (or any part of the service) or override or compromise the encryption technology or security measures provided by to service and/or transmission, operation or stored by
(15) Collection or compile account holder’s information including but not limited only for someone.
(16) Upload, email, post, forward or modify the content that you do not have the right to use under the law or under contractual or authoritative relationship (such as: proprietary and confidential information recognized or disclosed from an employment relationship or under non-disclosure agreement).
(17) Upload, email or post the content that violated trademark, trade secret, copy right or other proprietary of another person.
(18) Upload, email, post or forward from the unauthorized advertising such as: the media, junk email, spam, chain letter or pyramid business to be usable.
(19) Upload, email, post, forward or make the material that contain viruses, horsepower or computer code, the program which design to direct or indirect to intervene, extend, modify, interrupt, disrupt or restrict the operation function of the computer, software, data or telecommunication equipment.
(20) Disrupt a streamlined chat process and causes the screen to “scroll” faster than other user or in another way that negative impact other user ability to engage in real time sharing.
(21) Interfere with, modify or disrupt the service or server or network connection to the service or the use of other users and enjoy the service or violate the terms, processes, policies or requirement of the network connection to the site.
(22) Perform or engage in any act that direct or indirect damages, disable, created a burden or impair the service or the server or network connection to make the service unstable.
(23) To use the service by intentionally or unintentionally to violate the rules, laws, regulation, guidelines, policies or regulation of the relevant local authority, national or international country including, but not limited to the laws and regulation regarding the anti-money laundering or counter-terrorism.
(24) Use the service to infringe on the privacy of others or “follow up” or harassment others.
(25) Violation the right of including intellectual property right and sales lie.
(26) Use the service to collect, compile or archive third party information related to the operation and prohibited activities as listed above and/or
(27) Post the infringement of trademark or intellectual property rights of the third parties, or the services in a manner that will infringes on the intellectual property rights of the third parties.
6.3 You acknowledged that all the contents which posted to public or private forwarded, shall be solely responsible for such contents. will not filter for the contents posted on the site, so it is will not guaranteed that the content you post is accurate and complete. While using the website, you may meet some contents that offensive, obscene or defamatory to permit by applicable law, and such content is not the responsible of
6.4 You acknowledged that maybe or may not inspect the content in advance, however and the person who was authorized from have the right base on the solely discretion to inspection in advance, to refuse, remove or move the content on the website such as:
(1) Violated to the term and condition of this service.
(2) Upon receipt of complaint from the third party.
(3) Upon receipt of complaint regarding the intellectual property right infringement or law enforced to closed or
(4) Com will block the transmission, communication when found the content seems to offensive to or from the service as part of attempt to protect the service or users of or enforcement such terms and conditions has been mentioned before.
6.5 You agreed with to access and disclose your information and the content as the permission of law or by court order or by a jurisdiction of jurisdiction higher than or in good faith that access to the information is for the purpose of preservation or disclosure is necessary to:
(1) To fulfil the process of the law.
(2) To enforce in accordance to the term and condition of this service.
(3) In respond to the request cause of the content infringement the right of the third parties.
(4) In respond to your customer service request or
(5) To protect the right, property or personal security or and/or third parties.
7. The violation to the term and condition of the service:
7.1 The violation to this policy will cause to the action as below:
(1) The account will be deleted.
(2) Will be restricted the special right of the account.
(3) The account will be suspended and terminated afterwards.
(4) Will be prosecuted criminal.
(5) Will be prosecuted in civil.
7.2 If any evident or proof that the user on the website has been violated the term and condition of this service and who may directly contact to………………………..


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